Carbon & Moment.js

    //  check if expired

    // diff in seconds
    $then = Carbon::now()->addMinute();
    $now = Carbon::now();

    $then->diffInSeconds($now, false) // -60
    $now->diffInSeconds($then, false) // 60

// parse string let will_end = '2019-02-01 10:00:00'; let then = moment(new Date(will_end)); // diff in seconds let then = moment().add(1, 'minute'); let now = moment(); then.diff(now, 'seconds'); // 60 now.diff(then, 'seconds'); // -60

@blog #php #js

Network Tab fast image save

a. Right click on an entry in the network log. Then select Copy All as HAR

b. In console:

    x = [<<PASTE HERE>>]; // paste here copied HAR

    (function(logObj, mime) {
      var results = [];
      logObj[0].log.entries.forEach(function (entry) {
        if (mime && entry.response.content.mimeType !== mime) return;
    })(x, 'image/png');  // can be changed type

c. Save links in file

d. wget -i file

js #linux @blog

Vuejs 2


Components understanding:

Preventing easy:

    <a href="#" @click.prevent="toDo();"></a>

Easy event handling:

    <button @click.ctrl="onClick">A</button>

    <button @click.ctrl.exact="onCtrlClick">A</button>

Prop validation:

Vue.component('example', { props: { // basic type check (`null` means accept any type) propA: Number, // multiple possible types propB: [String, Number], // a required string propC: { type: String, required: true }, // a number with default value propD: { type: Number, default: 100 }, // object/array defaults should be returned from a // factory function propE: { type: Object, default: function () { return { message: 'hello' } } }, // custom validator function propF: { validator: function (value) { return value > 10 } } } })


require('myapp-bootstrap'); require('./components/bootstrap'); var app = new Vue({ mixins: [require('myapp')] }); module.exports = { el: '#myapp-app', /** * The application's data. */ data: { }, }




Capsule Servers

Lost connection to server.